Raj the cat might look a bit nervous
, but really Feline Fix by 5 is a more humane option: It reduces disease, improves behavior and controls unwanted cat populations.

Research indicates a decrease in cancer, behavioral issues, overpopulation, and infections.

Firehouse is adopting new recommendations from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA).

Our support for this new initiative doesn’t mean cat spays/neuters done after 5 months are a problem. Having the surgery before 5 months is the best way to keep our feline friends happy and healthy.

What is it?
Veterinarians have always recommended spaying or neutering cats by 6 months. Yet, cats are sexually mature by 5 months. Firehouse has joined the national movement to spay or neuter cats one month earlier.

There are many medical, behavioral, and community benefits including the decrease of:
-breast cancer
-behavioral problems
-pet overpopulation 

Dr John Faught notes: “For the first time in my career, there is a real consensus of feline experts and advocates using scientific data and research to agree that fixing cats by 5 months is best. This has been a debate over decades but I am proud that Firehouse is joining forces with such progressive groups regarding feline medicine.”

Female and male kittens face behavior changes when they reach maturity. Males might even “spray” home surfaces with a very strong urine odor.

To learn more, please visit www.felinefixbyfive.org.

We’re here to speak with you about your cat. Please call us today.

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