Yellow lab jumping in a pool

Summertime in Texas — A great time to get out and enjoy all that our beautiful state has to offer!

Whether it’s boating on one of our lakes, hiking along the Greenbelt, or road tripping, Firehouse Animal Health Center has you covered on health and safety tips for your dogs and cats. Regardless of the outdoor activity, make sure to take the heat into consideration when setting out.

Let’s begin with the road trip!

First and foremost, make sure your microchip information is up-to-date. You never know when the unexpected can happen and you want to be prepared should you get separated from your pet. Don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us a message if you need help updating your contact information. Next, have your pet travel within their own crate. They often feel more secure in their own space and it can prevent them making a run for it when car doors open. Also, make sure your pet has been active for several days before the big trip. Exercise can ease nerves and calm pets before hitting the road. Finally, if you think you need some medication when you’re traveling, make sure you allow ample time to talk to your vet and try the meds with your pet before you go. Make your appointment here!

Tips for being outdoors safely with your pet

-Exercise your dogs during the coolest times of the day: early morning or late evening. Dr Amy Mathiak, Leander

-If pets must be outside, they need unlimited access to shade. Dr Hunter Bowen, Round Rock

-Keep dogs inside if humidity is 70% or above, because they cannot effectively cool themselves. Dr Laura Saunders, Westlake

-Have fresh, cool water available for pets when they’re outdoors. Dr Staci Hansen, Kyle

-Don’t count on pets letting you know when it’s time to take a break. If your pet is playing off-leash, have them take a break at least every 15 minutes. Dr Hunter Bowen, Round Rock

-Never leave your pet inside a parked car, even if it’s just for a minute with the windows down. Dr Justin Nelson, Belterra Village

We hope to see you and your pets out and about while safely enjoying your summer in sunny Central Texas!

To see our doctors offering their summertime tips, watch here:

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